Day 2

Day 2

285DDC26-EA55-4E15-B51F-ABBDB0B56459It was a fun but busy weekend with the family! I was so grateful my in-laws drove after the long weekend. It was nice to just relax (and eat leftover doughnuts from the wedding) in the car ! I am so grateful to have such a great support system in family, we always have each other’s backs!

Day 1 – Days of Gratitude

Day 1 – Days of Gratitude


My husband and I are implementing a Day Gratitude Exercise for a whole WEEK where we document our favorite moment from the day and why we are grateful for it! I know if I post it here I will be more likely and obligated to write my moments of gratitude and not skimp! 😊😊

Day 1

Tonight at our cousin’s wedding, we went up to the Groom ready to tell him all of our thanks and congratulate him with a nice little speech we were going to give him. But when we went up to say our well wishes he ended up giving us a speech about how grateful he was that we were there. We were so touched we started to tear up a little bit. He went on and on about how much he loves us as a couple. Instead of the typical, “thank you so much for being here” sentiment usually given at weddings, he really made the moment so personal and I felt so grateful to take away that special moment from an already incredible night!!


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